Why Homeopathy for the Flu is Often More Effective Than Conventional Medicine
INSIDE: We hear a lot of warnings come out of the news that leads to fear around the flu. But, in actuality, it’s often the drugs prescribed to us that cause the real issues. In this article, I address this issue, as well as how you can use homeopathy for the flu as a highly effective treatment instead.
Autumn has arrived, the temperature is dropping, and the chilly atmosphere suggests that it's time to take out your scarves, beanies, jackets, and cozy blankets.
While you make yourself a cup of tea and turn on the radio for background news, you hear… "Once again, the disease that has killed between 12,000 and 56,000 people a year is back on the scene."
Suddenly, you feel a little scratchy feeling in your throat. You don't want to get sick, so you make a quick stop at the drugstore to get a flu shot and never worry about it again.
That's how the pharmaceutical industry's marketing, associated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), works.
However, the actual number of deaths per year from the flu is more like 1,000, according to one of the most respected medical journals in the world.
Big Media doesn't want to tell us that the actual reasons most people die are not from the flu itself but from the use of fever-suppressing treatments that work directly against the body’s self-defensive efforts.
This can be verified from the data of the 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed millions of young people. In reality, these deaths were not because of the infection but due the huge amount of aspirin prescribed by the doctors.
Using homeopathy for the flu is a much more effective and safer treatment that works with a holistic approach to restore the person to wholeness. Homeopathic remedies for the flu do not attack the body's necessary defenses against infections and instead heal our discomforts naturally.
Lessons From the Flu Epidemic of 1918
During 1918, there was an influenza epidemic that killed millions of young people. People who typically die from influenza are usually infants and the elderly. However, the ages of the people who died during this pandemic were from 18 to 40 years old.
Many of those people were in the military and had easy access to the dangerous medical treatments of the time.
The Danger of Fever-Suppressing Drugs
Most of us have come to think that lowering a fever is a good idea, but it actually inhibits the body's natural defenses. During a fever, the body naturally increases the number and mobility of white blood cells to fight infection.
This is key to overcoming the viruses that come our way. In fact, The New York Times even reported on the health benefits of letter a fever run its course.
Using fever-supressing drugs with influenza works directly against the body’s defensive and vital mechanism. On the contrary, homeopathy for the flu strengthens the immune system instead of attacking it.
Aspirin’s Role in the Death Toll
In 1899, Bayer had developed a patent on a “miracle drug” known as aspirin, which was marketed as a painkiller and fever reducer. When their patent ran out in 1917, the pharmaceutical industry was able to develop it at low prices, and medical organizations and governmental and military agencies started promoting it with gusto.
As a result, the average person began to rely on aspirin, and they were being prescribed even twice as much as what is considered safe today, thus unleashing the dark side of this drug.
Most of the deaths from the 1918 pandemic were from a type of pneumonia involving vast amounts of blood in the lungs, a condition that is triggered by aspirin.
In addition, there were almost no children or infants killed by influenza during this pandemic, as aspirin was not recommended for younger children, according to pediatricians at the time.
As you can see, it’s really no mystery why so many people died during 1918. It was not because of influenza but because of the large amounts of aspirin their doctors prescribed.
Unfortunately, until health professionals realize that fever is an essential defensive mechanism that the body uses to cure infection, something that homeopathy for the flu respects, we may continue to witness more and more people dying from this non-lethal disease.
Fear & Misinformation From the Media & CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a convenient relationship with Big Pharma. At the same time, Big Pharma invests millions of dollars per year in promoting the myriad drugs they offer to the marketplace.
The media, pharmaceuticals, and the CDC are comfortably tied and working together to get a share of the profits that come from fear and misinformation.
Fear is the most effective marketing strategy available. The media constatly insists on recalling the 1918 flu pandemic, urging the public not to make the same mistake again (without providing all the facts, of course).
Even more than 100 years after this event, they have the power to increase the fear factor in people. The difference is, today we can search on our own and verify the accuracy of the information we are receiving.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to fever suppressing treatments. It’s homeopathic remedies for the flu.
Why Homeopathy for the Flu is the Answer
Homeopathy offers us a safe and natural healing treatment that respects the body's biological responses to illness and infection.
Let’s look at some of the reasons why it’s the best treatment for the flu…
Homeopathy Treats Holistically
This treatment takes into account the dynamics of the human as a complex system. Unlike aspirin, homeopathy for the flu addresses the person and their symptoms as a whole.
When someone catches the flu, the doctor prescribes the same aspirin they give to everyone without considering their unique sensitivities. Some people will be susceptible to factors that others aren’t, so a personalized treatment is the right path to healing.
Homeopathy for the flu promotes the health of the whole body instead of acute symptoms which can stem from numerous causes.
Doctors Who Use Homeopathic Remedies for the Flu Had Great Success
Dr. T. A. McCann was a homeopathic physicist who had successful results with homeopathy for the flu pandemic of 1918. While conventional hospitals reported a mortality rate of 28%, those treated in homeopathic hospitals showed a mortality rate of only 1%.
Dr. H.A. Roberts treated 81 soldiers who had the flu during World War I and none died, while dozens were dying daily on the rest of the ships.
Dr. Royal Samuel Copeland was a homeopathic physicist who became president of the New York Board of Health from 1918 to 1923. He was responsible for writing The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, which prompted the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) to start regulating drugs. That legislation provided the United States Homeopathic Pharmacopeia with formal federal recognition and legal authority.
Homeopathy has an Amazing Track Record
The success of homeopathic treatments during the flu pandemic of 1918 was only the beginning. During the 19th century, homeopathy gained popularity, treating the many diseases of the era, including yellow fever, typhoid, scarlet fever, and cholera.
Three major modern studies indicate that homeopathic remedies for the flu are clinically effective—seventy percent of people who took these remedies recovered within 48 hours compared to those who were given a placebo.
In addition, The Lancet, the acclaimed medical journal, acknowledged the efficacy of homeopathy for the flu, recalling that it has been more than a century since homeopathic physicians and patients have used this safe and effective medicine.
The Best Homeopathic Remedies for the Flu
There are numerous homeopathic remedies for the flu, although their effectiveness depends on the individualization of the treatment based on the unique symptoms each person manifests.
Let’s look at some of the most common homeopathic remedies for the flu now…
Oscillococcinum is a popular homeopathic medicine which comes from the liver and heart of ducks and is highly effective at treating the flu.
Why ducks?
Biologists have shown that ducks have numerous flu viruses in their digestive tract, making them one of the main spreaders of different types of flu. Ducks can infect humans and chickens, however, they are entirely immune to this viral infection.
Oscillococcinum transfers this immunity and the ability to fight influenza viruses, to us when we take it, offering a safe and effective treatment for this virus.
Other Effective Homeopathic Remedies for the Flu
While Oscillococcinum is probably the most popular homeopathic treatment for the flu, there are many others what are effective as well, including:
· Gelsemium (yellow jessamine)
· Arsenicum album (arsenic trioxide)
· Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset)
· Nux vomica (poison nut)
· Belladonna (deadly nightshade)
· Bryonia (wild hops)
· Rhus Toxicodendron (poison ivy)
Although many of these remedies are toxic substances, they are used in tiny doses in homeopathic treatment, making them safe and prescription-free.
The "nano doses" that are used in homeopathy for the flu are able to penetrate cell membranes that conventional medicine, even in its large doses, cannot access.
Final Thoughts
More than 50 million deaths were reported during the 1918 influenza pandemic, a staggering number for a period of time as short as one year.
But we have come to understand that the real reasons for such deaths were not actually this viral infection but the large doses of aspirin given to patients, thus weakening the body's vitally essential defenses.
Recognizing this fact would be the first step towards a solution, but instead of doing so, Big Pharma continues to spread fear via mass media every time the seasons change.
The aspirins we are encouraged to take are not recommended for influenza. In fact, they are harmful since they suppress the fever that is there to beat the illness.
The only thing left to do is educate the masses, empower ourselves, and use more effective and safe methods, such as homeopathy for the flu.