What is the Meaning of Prosperity? A Deeper Look

What is the Meaning of Prosperity?

INSIDE: Have you ever wondered, “What is the meaning of prosperity?” It’s not just about money. In fact, your soul purpose has a lot to do with it. Let’s take a deeper look!

Let's boil down the concept of prosperity and tap into some key concepts that you probably haven’t considered in the realm of prosperity.

What is the meaning of prosperity?

It’s the “abundance of our abundances.” It’s having an ample quantity of what we want for our lives, and what we deserve, as we are a part of the abundant Divine.

When we look at prosperity from that viewpoint, it opens us up to the quest and meaning of our existence – our purpose.

How Prosperity Ties in With Purpose

Understanding the meaning of prosperity first begins by uncovering your purpose. It's already inside you. Once you become aware of it, then give your heart and soul to it.

Second, the pain of inauthenticity just isn't as acceptable as it was at one time. Many are waking to the concept of becoming more of their true selves.

Living in another essence other than you actually opens you to ill health. The energy of the Universe is one that conspires with you – it has your back.

As more options are offered to us, it's difficult to know what to say “no” to – the level of opportunity has been magnified, but we can become so overwhelmed which in turn can make us depressed and anxious. There is anxiety within our society in epidemic proportions since Covid hit us.

How to Define Your Purpose

You can choose the life you want to live, syncing up with your purpose. Then, you’ll understand the answer to, “what is the meaning of prosperity?”

Here are some good questions to ask yourself to better define purpose...

  • What are you willing to give up or die for?

  • What does that represent to you?

  • What's the difference of living on purpose and in purpose?

  • How do we know when we're in purpose?

  • Where are you most in tune?

  • How do you effectively uncover your purpose?

Why Do Most People Lack Purpose?

There are several reasons why most people go through life without a sense of purpose…

It Isn’t Taught

First, we're not taught or shown what purpose is. It's not taught in school or in many homes as most people don't think in these terms. But it’s so important.

“What’s my purpose?” is the second question that absolutely needs an answer in your life. The first being, “Who am I?”

Feeling Lost

Second, many people have lost their way. It happens to all of us at times, and it certainly gets in the way of understanding the meaning of prosperity. But being lost can actually help to bring us back on track.

Where we put our focus can help us with this. Keep your mindset on what you’re in tune with and then why you are here will be easier.

Our Purpose Can Change

Third, prioritization of purpose – reconsidering and reprioritizing needs to happen at times in life when our purpose changes.

Would you be open to coaching and instruction of how to bring this into your life? Most people need only several degrees of change to affect life.

Fear of Failure

Fourth, what if you come up short – what if you fail? Does failure stop you dead in your tracks or paralyze you from taking steps toward what you desire?

Here's a paradoxical way to look at life, a proposition that leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically acceptable, or self-contradictory.

Can you open to this thought…

Freedom without structure is its own lack of freedom.

You already have structure in many aspects of your life and it’s very hard to leave any deeply grooved routine, even if you hate it. The pendulum can swing so far each way - from not having enough structure to then becoming overwhelmed and being stuck between two extremes.

Be flexible in structure and reduce your cognitive load. Did you realize that in the year 2020, 306 billion emails were sent out per day.

The amount of information, choice, and noise has increased with so many people wanting to be heard and control, but the way we process information hasn't increased as much to capacitate the incoming.

Think of it like this…

If the amperage is only 220 and the voltage coming in is over that, you'll blow a fuse.

Our senses are essentially the same; they haven't changed. We have to find shortcuts or different ways to process it all – from every angle. If we want to understand the meaning of prosperity, this needs to be addressed.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Clear on Your Purpose?

  • It builds confidence

  • It reduces our go-to of “I have to,” which is different than empowerment within the choice

  • It creates momentum - an objective in motion stays in motion

  • It enhances spontaneity and creativity

Adaptability & Flexibility: Another Key Aspect of Prosperity

But there’s more to answering the question, “What is the meaning of prosperity?” than just looking at our purpose.

Sometimes we feel powerless, feeling victim within the structured chaos of our lives and experiencing a lack of control.

I believe this is often due to something we feel uncertain of when we need to make a choice. Life becomes more clear and a burden can often feel lifted when we finally make that choice.

Today, so many feel in the grips of fear, and making the wrong choice is what often stands in the way. But here's a clearer perception or another way to look at it…

Most of life is completely unknown if you really think about it. Ponder that for a moment.

The Comfort Zone Will Never Lead to Abundance

What this past year or so has brought to us is getting out of our comfort zone and creating adaptability and flexibility.

So what is a comfort zone? It's a state in which things feel familiar to us and a feeling of being at ease (perception) and in control of our surroundings.

As in the past, I was faced with moving my home and business during this year. That means beginning all over again, which isn't always comfortable and is very unfamiliar. We can learn to stretch our comfort zone and become more comfortable when we take action.

If we can see beyond our limitations, we can then be adaptive and flexible. What makes this difficult for us is that we desire certainty - but unfortunately as we have seen more recently, certainty doesn't exist – in fact, is it possible that it’s illusion?

All of our trauma and anxieties are at the heart of inflexibility.

We often only look at the downside of our lives - we perceive something will go wrong. We go right to the thought “what if” and then we fixate on only those thoughts.

Then our brain thinks there are no other options. But there are so many options available to us and learning to adapt is a key.

I often think that life IS AN ADVENTURE, never knowing what's around the corner. If we try to keep things from showing up to us, then we don't learn to be spontaneous and problem-solve well.

Exercise to Help You Become More Flexible

One way I've learned to open to more flexibility is to write down what seems to be a problem at the moment. Write as much as I can about it, the twists and turns within the situation – and ask the question, “what does this mean?”

When I'm all finished and have exhausted this train of thought, then I write the word “But.” This tells the brain there is an alternative idea and engages possibilities.

Then, I write down all the ways I can think within that concept and my brain comes up with them automatically.

Final Thoughts

Who's driving the car of YOUR life? Allow yourself to take the wheel and YOU direct your life with what you want – because it's what you want. This will fuel your tenacity to achieve what you want.

We’ve dug deep in asking “What is the meaning of prosperity?”

And the answer is…

Prosperity comes when we are living our purpose and when we can adapt to what comes to us.

Now ponder for a moment... what does that look like for your life?

Einstein said, “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Often we can only see a small portion of the whole within ourselves; it takes another person to help us uncover, so more can show up for us.

If you find this information to resonate with you and would like to have further help in uncovering more details, please contact me.

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