DreamVision: The Journey of Discoveries


The Journey of Discoveries

DreamVision integrates spirituality and science to help you access inner and universal guidance. Through this process, you can achieve:

  • Clarity of purpose.

  • Soul Blueprint and cosmic origins

  • Soulful growth.

  • A deeper sense of well-being.

By connecting with your Divine Soul, you can transcend fears and limiting beliefs, allowing life to flow with greater ease and joy.


By acting as a conduit and receptor for energy, I communicate with higher guidance, which empowers my clients to uncover their inner truths and understand their life journey with more clarity. 

Often I will use different means to access the multidimensional guides who are working with us.  The information received will help you have a greater understanding of your path in life. 

A channeling session offers clarity and guidance for more purposeful living.

Medical Intuition

These days, almost everyone is suffering from unwanted symptoms and some form of chronic disease. Even if you’ve received a diagnosis, it may uncover the emotional cause behind it. 

Often, we need to access the wisdom of our bodies in order to understand how to get back to vibrant health.  I interpret symbolic language and vibration through the use of intuitive abilities, to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition.

By using my insight, I can find and address what is beneath the problem and connect it to the root cause, thereby creating a 'whole person' healing affect.

Past Lives & Between Lives Soul Regression

Soul Regression hypnotherapy is an avenue of healing that allows an individual to access the memory of another lifetime and the period of time before reincarnation when we are pure souls between lives and how it pertains to your current life. It is a deep hypnotic process designed to help us reconnect to our Higher Self along with the spiritual guides that are available to help us along the way.

The experience can reveal the wishes of the soul, make sense of questions we can’t otherwise find answers to, and awaken an understanding of who we are on a soul level.

I’ll walk you through a process of breathing techniques and guided imagery that is created entirely by your Higher Self. You’ll be able to release parts of your past life trauma that are holding you back in this life and you’ll gain an understanding of yourself on a soul level.

Everyone can access these states to retrieve this valuable information. In fact, we all access these Alpha and Theta brain wave states as we are falling asleep and upon waking. I’ll simply be helping you establish that state through hypnosis.

A session explores two different areas of regression:

  1. A Past Life Regression takes you into another lifetime in which you still carry energy into this lifetime to explore the Karma and Dharma of that time and its connection to your current life. You will also gain a greater understanding of yourself during your session.

  2. A Between Lives Soul Regression includes another life experience other than the current, to the death scene and then beyond, where the soul has transcended to meet both your Higher Self and helpful beings in the inter-life. It’s in this time between lives where a person may meet other souls in their group, their spiritual council, learn of their soul’s origin, and meet their Master Spirit Guide.

  3. A Future Lives Regression takes you to a time in the future, simultaneous to your current life, that wants to communicate information that you need to know now.

Other Services Laurie Offers

 Hypnosis FAQs

  • Hypnosis is a state of altered awareness, accessed by the lower brain waves, during which our subconscious mind is more open and receptive to suggestions that are given. We drift in and out of different levels of awareness many times a day, absorbing information on a subliminal level as well as a conscious one – as all hypnosis is 'self hypnosis'.  Everyone also engages within these states on waking and falling asleep. Additionally, we will engage your imagination to help you to achieve your goals.

  • Every person is unique and different. Some people say that their body feels like a lead weight, others say they feel as though they're floating away. Most people will agree that it's a lovely feeling because they are more relaxed than they have ever been before.

  • You will be aware of everything that is happening and what is being said the whole time, however, you will be so deeply relaxed that you may find yourself drifting into different levels of awareness. Remember, your subconscious mind is active throughout and it is this that we will be working with.

  • That depends how deep in hypnosis you are, but generally most people do remember either everything or certain parts of the experience and the session will be recorded. You will find that suggestions which have been given to you in hypnosis will resurface in your conscious - thinking mind - after your hypnosis session, these will be the thoughts that produce changes in your behaviour or way of thinking and feeling.

  • Not necessarily, but if the cause of your problem is a repressed memory (one that you are unable to remember consciously), then bringing it back into conscious awareness can help you view the problem from a different perspective, thereby feeling different about it. If you find the idea of revisiting old memories painful then I will help you to dissociate from them so that you can remember the experience without experiencing the emotions associated to them.

  • No, you won't say or do anything at all that you don't want to. If you were given suggestions that you don't morally agree with, you would come out of hypnosis or disregard the suggestions.  It is about syncing or recalibrating a 'whole' person.

  • No-one has ever remained in hypnosis indefinitely. Even if something were to happen halfway through the session, you would still 'come out' of the trance state.  Remember, you enter a hypnotic state each day going to sleep and upon waking so you are completely familiar with this process.

  • The only side effects are the beneficial ones of feeling more relaxed afterwards and feeling more positive about whatever it was you sought hypnotherapy for. Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state. 

  • Anyone can resist hypnosis during a session and it won't work, however the question remains as to why someone would seek hypnotherapy if they didn't want it to help them. Hypnosis requires cooperation and trust between two people and the guidance it seeks.         I will show you the way and you can choose if you want to go there or not.

    If you are not prepared to accept that hypnosis can benefit you, then your best option would be to seek alternative treatment – however, in my own experience - sceptics are very often so greatly surprised at the benefits.

  • Two common reasons for failure to induce trance is a lack of rapport with the therapist or that a person doesn't trust what they see and do not invite the suggestions. If you are having difficulty, there are practices to be done ahead to aide the process.

  • You can - if they are related issues, however because hypnosis requires a complete focus of attention it is far better to concentrate on one problem at a time.  For example, people wishing to stop smoking, and are afraid of doing so as they may gain weight, can be helped with the correct approach. This is because many experience 'symptom substitution' - substituting one addiction for another, which requires dealing with the issue at its core.

Codes to Awaken the Soul 

           Language of Light  &  Transmission of Galactic Codes

Codes that awaken the Soul are being activated within us.  They are a communication which our soul embraces and is expressed from many sources, throughout Earth, the star systems, and the cosmos.  They are frequencies filled with encoded information that are imprinted within us from our origin. Some people speak, sing or tone it, some draw or write it, and some come as symbols which many resonate with.  The Language of Light and the Galactic codes are both coded light although different in technique and information.

Light Language

Sometimes it is spoken in a particular language, you most likely won't understand in human terms.  The mind doesn't need to understand this language because your soul does energetically, allowing you to shift more quickly and with ease.  Often it can resemble different languages on Earth. This is because different dialects have within their language that which originated from other star cultures. The Light Beings share this particular language to activate the light within and facilitate healing through my ability to transmit and translate this activation.

Galactic Codes for Personal &   Global

This particular encoded information is given to humankind to awaken the soul.  It is an offering of Light, Love and the development of coherence offered by and spoken from five different star groups, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lyran, Sirian and Andromedan.  It is a powerful activation which moves each of us toward our highest level.


The Galactic codes connect deep within your energetic system, downloading and recalibrating that which has been dormant, activating the light of the entire holographic blueprint, DNA and soul of a person.  They emanate personal details and wisdom of a persons path and origins, the memory of who you are, what you have come for, as well as capacities that are inherent to you.  The objective of activation is to disengage limitations preventing you from evolving.  This is not an interference with free will, but to eliminate that which has been imposed and increased over lifetimes.  As we are all multidimensional beings, the light activation clears, integrates and balances, to raise and support you into higher frequencies and Divine nature. 

To learn more watch this video


The Galactic codes speak of higher communications for our planet, the movement through dimensions and timelines, sacred geometry, the resonance of specific wave patterns of frequency and shifts, chakras and more. 

What people are saying about their experience :

~ Better sleep 

- Never to repeat

~ Being more in the now 

~ Embodying more of 5D

~ Receiving important messages  

~ A shifting with the sense of peace

~ Messages from the codes are significant

~ A journey unlike anything ever experienced

~ Being activated and observing what needs to be healed, the lessons it portrays, what it's clearing

What People Are Saying

J.S., Glastonbury, UK testimonial:

“Laurie has channeled for me several times and I’m always amazed at what comes from it. It’s always a delight to hear what she shares in her messages. She has been spot on each time and I can count on what she expresses.”

— T.R., New York

“Wow! My mind is blowing, swirling - this is so validating - so many things I'm remembering that my soul has forgotten. Now that I think of my past, it all makes much more sense to me. Everything is falling into place!”

— Karen

I want to thank you for helping me connect to myself and my beautiful soul. It took me a while to reconnect to my body when I got home. Now I know my sister Lisa is always with me. I am now clearer about negative connections with controlling ETS and original human family members. I need to continue to detach from the negative and move into the light of my souls purpose and pure love. I was hoping we could do a few sessions over the phone before going into a past life regression. I want a life filled with love and peace. I do want to find a man who could give me the love I have longed for all my life. Please let me know if we can have some phone sessions, I do not want to lose this momentum. I have waited my whole life to be free of negativity and connections to the dark beings who like to control more than help. Those who wouldn’t even show their faces to me yesterday outside of Fred, who seems to just go along with the others. — With Gratitude, Robin - Colorado