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If you’re looking for the keys to self-mastery, this book has the answers.


Oh, No! Not Another Learning Experience: A Metamorphosis

Have you ever wondered if you were meant for more? Ever felt a deep longing for a home you’ve never known? Do you ever feel out of place or wondered who you are without the stories you tell yourself?

In this era, it’s difficult to find anyone who has not had at least a brush with realities that are seemingly “not of this world.”

There are those for whom such experiences are normal and deemed to be an everyday reality. Laurie Wheeler is one of them, and she’s chosen to share her real-life journey into becoming a believer in this book.

From a mysterious tree in New York State that introduced her to her abilities to confronting an alien during a client’s soul regression, Wheeler connects the dots of a myriad of experiences to piece together her true purpose here on Earth and her connection to her soul’s home. In doing so, she helps others open up to their authentic selves along the way through shamanism, energy work, and soul regression.

In Oh No! Not Another Learning Experience, Wheeler tackles the tough questions about our soul's purpose, other lifetimes, spirit guides, extraterrestrials, and so much more while sharing deeply personal experiences that helped her answer the question, "What's it all about?"

This book is drawn from the author’s personal and professional experiences as a homeopath, medical intuit, channel, healer, and DreamVision soul regressionist, who is herself an interplanetary soul. Using her own life as a background, she expounds on intuition, trust, and wisdom, helping the reader to answer two of the most important questions: "Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?"

Oh No! Not Another Learning Experience is a true metamorphosis of the soul. Are you ready to explore the mystery of you?


What people are saying.

"Laurie Wheeler wrote 'Oh No! Not Another Learning Experience' with such compassion and in an intimate way, I felt like I was drinking tea with her. She is a brilliant storyteller and courageously speaks about such topics as past lives and ETs. She uses powerful modalities with her clients such as shamanism, energy work, and soul regressions. Laurie Wheeler is committed to helping her clients and all of us reading the book to grow, heal, and discover our authentic identity. I loved this book.”

— ​ Sandra Ingerman

Award-winning author of 12 books including "The Book of Ceremony," "Walking in Light," "Soul Retrieval," and "The Shaman's Took Kit

"Your book is very well-written and enticing with such depth of your stories and life experiences. You’ve captured the essence of those life-progressing moments that we all have—but might not know how to cope with them—or comprehend their meaning. It’s awesome that you’ve taken the time and commitment to put into print your experiences for others to be able to examine their own life with its hills and valleys."

— ​ Dr. Linda Backman

Psychologist/Regression Therapist - author of 3 books, including Bringing Your Soul to Light

This author is such a beautiful example of a woman who says YES to life, even when she’s not sure where it will lead. And the places it led her are FASCINATING. How does a traditional mother of 4 suddenly become a conduit to the mysterious, unseen world? And how did those unusual signposts lead her to become a healer and a spiritual teacher — even when she had no idea what those things meant? Her stories are compelling. I read the whole book in one night. Every time I was ready for a break, I found myself reaching for it 5 minutes later to get to the next story. The one that had the most profound impact on me had to do with the way she took her power back in a particular situation in Sedona. (I won’t spoil the details for you. But I’m betting when you read it, you’ll be as shocked by the situation as I was.) In a very real way, her experience gave me permission to own MY power — even when that doesn’t look pretty to other people. What a relief that is! There’s a lot to love about this book. And I feel like something has changed inside of me for having read it."

— ​ Sharon D.

From traditional mom to shaman, seeker, and healer — oh my!

"Very legible! Easy to read! Excellent book! Awesome from start to finish! I couldn’t put it down! Exhilarating for me — was like watching a movie and couldn't wait to see/hear what was next! Certainly explained a lot of things for me. Answered my unanswered questions and easily understood.

Easy read — 5-star book!"

​ T. Dunne

"An interesting, educational, and fun read! Especially recommended to those that are just awakening to their own intuition as they look for answers to their life’s true purpose."​

— ​ Anonymous Reviewer

"I found your book — your journey — to be fascinating! For someone who has helped so many, so deeply, it was interesting to hear about the powerful life experiences that brought you to this place of consciousness/awareness — beginning with Two Feathers and the Tree. It opens me up to ponder IP souls, life lessons, and reflect on the questions you pose. Your view of connection, intention, and spirit guides resonates. Thank you for publishing your very personal metamorphosis!"

​ Lynne H.

