Awakening the Soul: How it Happens & Important Steps to Take

Awakening to the Soul

INSIDE: Awakening the soul is a calling that you’ve probably felt at some point in your life. But what does it mean and how can it be achieved? Let’s discuss it right now!

Have you known, at some point in your life, that you have something very important to accomplish in this lifetime?

Perhaps you are beginning to suspect that “the something very important” is to awaken within the dream and to remember who you truly are. That is, remembering who you are as a spiritual being, aside from any other mission one might perceive themselves to have.

Is awakening the soul calling for you?

How Awakening the Soul Happens

Awakening the soul begins with the self, and awakening within the dream called Life is a process of self-discovery that does not happen overnight.

I am sure you can review your life and recognize tremendous growth in consciousness.

Many of us have awakened with the help of third-dimensional coercion, which takes many forms:

  • The death of a loved one

  • Divorce

  • Bankruptcy

  • Traumatic illness

  • Accident

  • and etc...

All of these are earthly experiences, and yet, they serve a Divine Purpose which is to awaken us to our true self.

This self is Soul with a capital “S” — it is the immortal, magnificent, Divine part of us that knows all and guides all incarnations. It is the guiding force that has brought us to this point in our consciousness today.

Awakening the soul is a calling. Is yours calling you?

How Does the Soul Communicate With Us?

The soul communicates with us through our intuition and it is only when we ignore its communication that life becomes difficult.

We all have set ourselves up to overcome obstacles in this lifetime that will ensure we evolve.

The reality is that each one of us are required (by our own soul) to cultivate our own salvation (i.e. awakening the soul), and the only way that can be accomplished is through turning inward.

The Importance of Turning Inward

I know you probably know that turning inward is essential by now, but do you know what that really means?

It means recognizing your own self-authority and to stop giving your power away. It means to stop listening to everyone around you telling you what to do, how to think, where to go, and how to be. Or maybe you’ve just been running away from it all.

Awakening the soul comes from asking yourself a few vital questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What do I---with a capital I---truly believe about myself?

  • What am I doing here?

If you don’t really know the answer to these’s time to stop and listen to the real answers that come from inside. If you keep running away, it will at some point, jump up and bite you on the ______!

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