Uncovering and Healing Your Inner Child: Tools, Resources & Hope

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INSIDE: If you are wondering if healing your inner child is possible, this article will provide you with hope and some tools and resources. Healing our childhood wounds is one of the only keys to happiness!

Many of us experienced less-than-ideal circumstances while growing up. Those experiences shape us and wound our inner child. Healing your inner child is a one of the only keys to happiness.

Ideally, every young person would be:

  • Nurtured, cared for, loved, and feel safe

  • Allowed to fully express and be who they are

  • Able to contribute to their family and society

If you did not consistently receive this kind of caring, love, and attention growing up, it is likely that you developed a type of childhood wound – a combination of bad feelings, negative beliefs, and behavioral conditioning.

Unfortunately, our early childhood wounds don't automatically heal as we become adults. Instead, they often remain in the subconscious, and they frequently become heightened if not dealt with.

What Wound Patterns Look Like

We may not realize the wound is present until someone or something triggers the original wound and it makes its way to the surface. This is called a sudden reaction – your buttons get pushed and you react in the way you may have when you were younger – and the same old patterns begin to repeat themselves.

Early wound patterns can appear in many ways, including, but not limited to:

  • Feelings of unease

  • Not feeling safe

  • Dissatisfaction

  • Shame

  • Sadness

  • Guilt

  • Anger

  • Fear

  • Anxiety

  • And other negative emotions

Pause for a moment - have you seen signs of early wounds lurking within yourself?

Oftentimes, these wounds are covered or hidden from sight. We may convince ourselves we feel okay inside, and then, deep wounds go unresolved as negative emotions plague us.

Think about the skipping of a record. You can keep playing it, but when you hit that special point, you know it…. it's distorted and not comfortable. It’s just like that.

But healing your inner child is possible and extremely rewarding.

Overcoming These Patterns & Healing Your Inner Child

The good news is that these patterns can be eliminated when you are willing to work at the deep level where the wounds remain hidden to clear the emotion on all levels (physically, mentally, spiritually, socially) in your energetic conscious and subconscious.

Healing these childhood wounds is very personalized - in other words, it is not simply a DIY process or one you solely learn from a book.

Healing your inner child takes a specialized skill set and training, making it invaluable to walk with an expert into this process.

Self-Help Tip: Automatic Writing

Healing your inner child begins when you get to know that part of yourself.

To begin to have a conversation with the child living within, I introduce you to a simple, very effective process. Automatic writing has great merit and can open up a profound dialect.

To get started, grab a piece of paper and a crayon. Holding a fat crayon in your non-dominant hand, begin to write with your awkward hand and you will engage the Inner Child.

How WellnessWithin Can Help

My work within holistic modalities in the clearing of beliefs, such as homeopathy and soul regression has a proven track record - changing the corrupted files that continue to play within.

These holistic methodologies can help heal childhood wounds, disintegrate internal conflict, and remove blocks that interfere with your quality of life.

When you work on healing your inner child, you'll receive changes within your psyche, deep within the belief structure. It's the source where most personal troubles and issues reside.

I assure you; this healing is transformational, powerful, and profound – with lasting impact and permanent results.

Final Thoughts

What would your life look like if you experienced that level of change? Just imagine not being held back by the subconscious patterns that have been running your life.

Healing your inner child is possible, and the rewards are abundant. Contact me today to get started!

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