Homeopathy for Rashes & Burns: 11 Natural Remedies That Work

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INSIDE: Skin conditions are uncomfortable, but the great thing about them is that they are very responsive to homeopathic remedies. Let’s learn about homeopathy for rashes and burns!

Rashes come in various types and from numerous causes – dietary, mostly – but all general rashes will respond to the correctly chosen homeopathic remedy.

You don’t need to turn to over-the-counter drugs that pollute the body. When done right, homeopathy for rashes and burns are an effective and natural solution.

Homeopathy for Rashes & Burns: 11 Different Remedies That Work

Let’s look at some of the best remedies to have on hand…


Use For: Rashes that appear after you have been outside in the cold wind. Also, burns.

When you have this type of rash, it’s usually because you get overheated and don’t even realize you are beginning to feel chilly. Then, upon coming indoors, you feel suddenly cold.

The affected area will become red and a fever can occur. You also might feel anxious and restless.


Use For: A red rash all over the body.

This type of rash will sting and itch and be hot and sweaty. Pimply eruptions filled with pus are possible and the whole skin can be red. You may also be thirsty.  


Use For: Itchy rashes

This kind of rash tends to bleed after being scratched. It’s very itchy and can have pustules and/or running sores, with a burning sensation. The itch is much worse at night, and the skin or rash will look raw.  


Use For: Itchy rashes that occur after eating heavy or greasy foods

This type of rash will often itch violently when in bed. It may look like measles (Pulsatilla is actually a great remedy for measles, as well). You may feel a bit weepy and clingy.

The rash and the itching will feel worse in a closed, warm room, and better in open air.


Use For: Rashes that break out in red spots that look as if they were flea bites (Dulcamara is in fact good for flea bites, as well).

This rash is usually worse when there are changes in the weather, from hot to cold, and during times of the year that have hot days and cold nights.


Use For: Heat rashes and general burns in hot weather

Burns may not always be life threatening emergencies, but they can be very uncomfortable, especially the first sunburn of the season on young child’s sensitive skin.

When talking about homeopathy for rashes and burns of this nature, Bryonia is one of the best remedies.

A great go-to is Rescue Remedy Cream for use as a topical remedy found at most health food stores. Although some burns are better to open air – test a very small area first before using any cream.


Use For: Sunburn on the head and face

With this type of burn, you may feel restless, excitable, have a throbbing headache, and be very thirsty. Distortions in the vision where objects seem to swim in the field of view can also occur.


Use For: Serious sunburn.

In this case, the skin is probably red, hot, and dry. You may have a blinding headache and need to lie down in a cool, dark place in order to feel better. And you may be aggravated by noise and light.

There may be a sense of congestion or a rush of blood to the head with possible vertigo made worse by stooping.  


Use For: Burns

Applied externally or a pellet in some water and poured over the burned area over a period of hours can bring relief. You can also take a spoonful internally. Note: this will be more soothing than the Calendula cream.

Burn Medicine From the Garden

In addition to homeopathy for rashes and burns, you can even grow some wonderful remedies for burns yourself! Here are some of my favorites…


If you have an Aloe plant, you’re in luck! Cut a fresh piece, slice off the ends and prickly sides. Scoop out the inner jelly with a spoon and rub directly on the burn several times daily. The aloe is very cooling and prevents scarring.

Oregano & Eggplant Leaves (or Tomato Leaves)

Boil these leaves for a good while. When the water is cooled, pour over the burn several times a day. It will begin to heal quickly.

You can also use tomato leaves and oregano leaves.  

Final Thoughts

When you use homeopathy for rashes and burns, you can enjoy nature’s medicine cabinet. There are rarely side effects and the right remedy will work effectively and quickly.

Please remember to use common sense. If a burn is serious, large, or blistered and not getting better or if it is infected, see your healthcare practitioner.

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