What Does a Body Cleanse Do for Your Health?

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INSIDE: What does a body cleanse do for your health? The fact that you’re asking this question means you’re on the right track! Detoxing is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Let’s find out why!

It’s back to school time, and that means a change of seasons, temperature and climate, as well as pollens that create allergies in the air.

Any one of these or all of them can bring about an unsettled climate for microrganisms to have a field day with you.

Getting yourself cleaned up (i.e. doing a body cleanse) is so important to the rest of the year, and for that matter, the rest of your life. So why wait?

When you get a jump start and clean up yourself, you get them before they get you!

What Does a Body Cleanse Do?

Microbes lead busy lives. They steal our nutrients, appropriate our cells, and excrete waste into the bloodstream. They also reproduce, ensuring that more of their nasty little selves will soon emerge to commit the same abuse.

After the pathogens are rendered less active, garbage is everywhere. Microbial corpses, and the toxins gushing out of them, clog our bloodstream. The debris impedes lymph drainage, floods our tissues and joints, and seeps through the blood-brain barrier where it fogs our ability to think, feel and move.

Our immune cells engulf the waste as fast as they can. Once the immune cells have consumed their fill of rubbish and are no longer functional, they will have to be eliminated.

How to Properly Detox the Body

Detoxifying is often called “cleansing” because it cleans you from the inside, but if you aren’t eliminating the muck properly, the elimination of debris can poison the bodily terrain and encourage microbes to proliferate.

You’ll need all the help you can get to excrete the toxic mess resulting from the elimination process. This is why practitioners always say, “drink plenty of water.”


Final Thoughts

Don’t underestimate the importance of detoxification; it plays such an important role in remaining healthy. It’s like clearing old dead leaves from a stream each spring to allow the water to flow freely again.

A good way to begin is by drinking more water. In the body, it helps decrease the ratio of microbial toxins to bodily fluids. If you don’t drink, you’ll become poisoned from the waste.

Happy drinking! It can mean the difference between a healthy and unhealthy year!

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