Achieve Vibrant Health Through Gemmotherapy

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INSIDE: Gemmotherapy is a type of biological medicine similar to homeopathy that combats numerous health conditions and promotes vibrant health and wellbeing. Let’s see what this natural treatment can do!

In my last blog, I wrote about detoxing with water. Now, I want to share another effective method that is wonderful for not only detoxing the body but also supporting health and wellness.

Gemmotherapy, also known as Phytoembryotherapy, is a modern homeopathic method of biotherapeutic drainage using the extracts of various trees and shrubs. It extends the drainage of toxins beyond the excretory organs, and involves biotherapeutic detoxification of the skin, bones, heart, and nervous system.

This methodology was developed in France in the 1950’s and 60’s and represents the most complete set of highly concentrated active components essential for tissue regeneration, favorable growth development, and proper drainage.  

Gemmotherapy is very popular in European countries such as France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, and in some areas of Eastern Europe.

What Can Gemmotherapy Be Used For?

It works great for the following issues:

  • Skin conditions

  • Seasonal allergies

  • Chronic ENT’s

  • Asthma

  • UTIs

  • Migraines

  • Digestive disturbances

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Menstrual irregularities

  • Fertility issues

  • High blood pressure

  • And much more

How Does Gemmotherapy Work?

The raw material of the buds, emerging shoots, seeds, rootlets, and saps is taken at the peak time of the plant’s annual germination (maturation) (e.g. in the spring for buds or the autumn for seeds).

Plants are harvested in the spring, throughout the period of cellular division and plant growth. During this stage, they contain the highest concentration of active growth factor hormones, auxins, and gibberellins.

These specific hormonal agents contain valuable informative matter required for the drainage of various organs and tissues at the cellular level.

In order to extract the embryonic substance from the fresh buds, the complex remedies are macerated for increased patient compliance.

Benefits of Gemmotherapy

 Clinical experience has shown that gemmotherapy may be used for a number of conditions and issues, and that the benefits include:

  • Detoxifies at a cellular level by chemically reacting to purify and cleanse cells

  • Supports drainage at an organ level by stimulating the removal of toxins from our bodies through organ fluids such as blood and lymph

  • Regenerates dying cells, oxygenates cells, balances electrolytes, and improves electrical potential

  • Stimulates growth with active gibberellins and auxins hormones

  • Stimulates emunctory functions of various organs and glands (organs or ducts that remove or carry waste from the body)

  • Nourishes/Delivers a full spectrum of antioxidants, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, etc.

  • Reduces the need for nutritional supplements

  • Rejuvenates organs, skin tissue, and cells by stimulating blood and lymph activities and delivering antioxidants in the system.

Why I Use Gemmotherapy in My Practice

I use Gemmotherapy in my practice because it surpasses all other natural therapies in its gentle yet direct action on organs and organ systems.

Furthermore, I have found it to be the perfect first protocol for many of my clients as it promotes optimal elimination, the key to restoring the body’s ability to heal itself.

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